The Campcraft Waxed Canvas Line of gear is all handcrafted right here onsite in Kentucky using only the highest quality materials. Created in the vein of traditional outdoor gear used during the golden age of Camping & Woodcraft, we painstakingly hand wax each piece of gear and, using modern means, reinforce seams to prevent failure while afoot. We use US sourced canvas, known universally for its durability, and include high-quality nylon straps with each piece as needed.
This gear line is an excellent choice for those looking for an authentic, traditional look in their bushcraft gear while still achieving top-level performance and durability. This little bag really does it all, it will hold tinder, medicinals, edibles, or gear and keep it nice, dry, and secure with its heavy wax coating. 9 3/4" Tall 6 1/4" Wide, Cotton Web Tie Straps *Canvas shades may vary due to dye lots, khaki is the standard color
- 9.75" tall x 6.25" wide (Size Approx)
- Multi-Use Pouch Design
- Handcrafted in Kentucky
- Ideal for Fire Tinder
- Makes an excellent coffee or tea pouch